Student studying together inside the library.
Before going to identify the peer groups that will be helpful to you in college, let us look at the word “peer group”.
Simply put, a peer group is a collection of individuals that share similar interest, background, social status or age. These groups of people do things in common in a way that will benefit every member. Another good thing about peer group is that it helps you to make new friends that share the same belief with you in one area or the other. While in college, it is essential to join some peer groups that will be helpful to you both academically, socially, politically or religiously.
Below are some of the groups that will be helpful to you while in college;
Departmental Group
The importance of having friends in your department can never be overemphasized. Your friends in your department are basically the closest to you academically. With this group, you can share ideas together, read together, do assignments together and even carry out research together.
As a freshman, the first thing you should be setting your eyes on is how to make friends among your departmental mates. Not just any friends, but those that are serious about their studies. With this, you can rest assured that you are starting your university education on a good note.
Social Group

Science students working on an experiment together.
Most of the top universities in the world are known for not just their academic performance but also for their social engagements. You may want to see more of the top 10 universities in the USA.
There are different small societies, clubs or sporting activities you can get engaged with. Belonging to any of these bodies will keep you busy and entertained throughout your stay in the university. But one thing you must learn to handle is balancing your social life with academics – don’t be engrossed in social activities at the detriment of your academics.
Religious And Political Groups
If you are political in nature, you can join the student government that runs student’s affairs in the school. Also, for the religious people, there are tons of fellowships you can join in the campus.
But you must always have it at the back of your mind that the essence of joining these groups is to have a wonderful all-around experience while in university. If this is not the case, it is advisable to back out on anyone that’s affecting you academically.